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Dr Michał Palmowski

His academic interests include: utopia and dystopia in literature, science fiction, transgressive literature and literature of the Beat Generation.


Selected Conferences:

Transzendentalpoesie und Dichtkunst mit Begriffen – Friedrich Schlegel und Friedrich Nietzsche, Jena, 18-20.10.2007.

The Spectres of Utopia, 11th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society/Europe, Lublin, 7-10.07.2010.

April Conference Twelve, Kraków, 27-29.04.2011.

In Comparison: Juxtapositions, Correspondences, and Differentiations in English Studies, the 20th Annual Conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE), Toruń, 12-14.05.2011.

PASE 2012, Kraków, 19-21.04.2012.

The Shape of Things to Come, the 13th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society/Europe, Tarragona, 4-7.07.2012.

Tuwim bez końca, Łódź, 5-7.12.2013.

Sympozjum Głos Pana. Utopie i dystopie w perspektywie filozoficzno-literackiej, Kraków, 20-21.03.2014.

His Master's Voice. Utopias & Dystopias in Audiovisual Culture, Kraków, 23-25.03.2015.

His Master's Voice: More After More. Utopias & Dystopias 1516-2016, Kraków, 10-13.03.2016.

Solidarity and Utopia, 18th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society/Europe, Gdańsk, 5-8.07.2017.

Diversity is inclusive: Cultural, literary and linguistic mosaic, PASE 2019, Poznań, 27-28.06.2019.

Academic Fiction Seminar, Kraków, 15-16.11.2019.


Selected Publications:


(co-edited with Katarzyna Hauzer , Zygmunt Mazur) Languages, Literatures and Cultures in Contact: English and American Studies in the Age of Global Communication, 2013, Kraków: Tertium.

(co-edited with Anna Biedrzyńska) Language in culture – culture in language, 2014, Nowy Sącz: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWSZ w Nowym Sącz.



The Dance of Ideas. Wallace Stevens as a Philosophical Poet [in:] Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 2 (2007), pp. 103-113.

Ligeia: Poe, Bergson and the Grotesque [in:] Wojciech Kalaga, Marzena Kubisz i Jacek Mydla (red.), PASE Papers 2007, Vol. 2: Studies in culture and literature, pp. 311-320 (Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski, 2007).

The Beat Generation and American Transcendentalism [in:] Neophilologica Sandeciensia 3, pp. 117-124 (Nowy Sącz: PWSZ w Nowym Sączu, 2008).

Antimetaphysical Philosophy and Ironic Discourse. Nietzsche and Schlegel [in:] Klaus Vieweg (red.), Friedrich Schlegel und Friedrich Nietzsche. Transzendentalpoesie oder Dichkunst mit Begriffen, pp. 71-79 (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schoeningh, 2009).

Jak napisać blackwoodowski artykuł, czyli Poe jako satyryk [in:] TEKSTUALIA. Palimpsesty Literackie Artystyczne Naukowe 1/2009 (numer monograficzny poświęcony Edgarowi Allanowi Poe z okazji 200. rocznicy urodzin), pp. 73-82.

Instilling the Sentiment: The Poetic Philosophy of Ralph Waldo Emerson [in:] Monika Coghen, Zygmunt Mazur i Beata Piątek (red.), Ambiguity and the Search for Meaning: English and American Studies at the Beginning of the 21st Century, pp. 283-92 (Kraków: WUJ, 2010).

The origins and development of science fiction [in:] Alicja Witalisz (red.), Papers on Language, Culture, and Literature, Prace Naukowo Dydaktyczne PWSZ w Krośnie, pp. 63-72 (Krosno: PWSZ w Krośnie, 2011).

Konstanty Ildefon Gałczyński’s Little Theatre of the Green Goose [in:] Dorota Brzozowska i Władysław Chłopicki 9red.), pp. 93-102 (Kraków: Tertium, 2012).

The Story of Margaret Garner, or How History Disremembers the Past, and Toni Morrison’s Act of the Imagination [in:] Izabela Curyłło-Klag i Bożena Kucała (red.), Confronting the Burden of History. Literary Representations of the Past, pp. 97-108 (Kraków: Universitas, 2012).

Thomas Merton’s Religious Poetry: Elegy for the Monastery Barn as a Reflection of New Christian Consciousness [in:] Marta Gibińska i Władysław Witalisz, Poetry and its Language. Papers in Honour of Teresa Bela pp. 235-245 (Frankfurt am Mein: Peter Lang, 2012).

Stage Directions in the Avant-garde Drama of Kenneth Koch and Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński” [in:] Agnieszka Pokojska i Agnieszka Romanowska (red.), Eyes to Wonder, Tongue to Praise, Volume in Honour of Professor Marta Gibińska, pp. 291-303 (Kraków, Jagiellonian University Press, 2012).

Literature in dystopian society: a force of liberation or a tool of enslavement? Ray Bradbury`s Fahrenheit 451 and Kazuo Ishiguro`s Never Let Me Go [in:] Barbara Klonowska, Zofia Kolbuszewska i Grzegorz Maziarczyk (red.), Echoes of Utopia, pp. 191-200 (Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012).

The Mexican Dream. The Image of Mexico in Jack Kerouac’s On the Road, Language [in:] Zygmunt Mazur, Katarzyna Hauzer i Michał Palmowski (red.), Literatures and Cultures in Contact: English and American Studies in the Age of Global Communication, pp. 281-290 (Kraków: Tertium, 2013).

In Search of Meaning after the End of the World: the Vision of the Post-Apocalyptic America in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road [in:] Pere Gallardo i Elizabeth Russell (red.), Yesterday's Tomorrows: On Utopia and Dystopia, pp. 357-366 (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014).

Cage and Liberature [in:] Katarzyna Bazarnik i Izabella Curyłło-Klag (red.), Incarnations of Material Textuality: From Modernism to Liberature, pp. 45-58 (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014).

Pomiędzy satyrą a czystym nonsensem – Zielona Gęś Konstantego Ildefonsa Gałczyńskiego [in:] Dorota Brzozowska i Władysław Chłopicki (red.), Humor polski, pp. 97-108 (Kraków: Tertium, 2014).

Poetry as performance: Allen Ginsberg and rock 'n' roll [in:] Neophilologica Sandeciensia 9, Konteksty i znaczenia, pp. 53-59 (Nowy Sącz: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej, 2015).

4’ 33’’: John Cage's utopia of music [in:] Studia Humanistyczne AGH 15/2 (2016), pp. 17-25.

The Elementary Particles : Brave new world according to Michel Houellebecq” [in:] Michał Kłosiński, Krzysztof M. Maj i Ksenia Olkusz (red.), More after More: essays commemorating the five-hundredth anniversary of Thomas More’s Utopia, pp. 338-351 (Kraków: Facta Ficta Research Centre, 2016).

Uległość: przyszłość Europy oczami Michela Houellebecqa [in:] Ewa Panecka i Małgorzata Kowalcze (red.), Oblicza wielokulturowości: wybór esejów / Cultures in contact : selected essays on cross-cultural experience, pp. 149-158 (Nowy Targ: Podhalańska Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa, 2017).

Literatura na ławie oskarżonych: przypadek Skowytu Allena Ginsberga [in:] Neophilologica Sandeciensia 12, pp. 24-31 (Nowy Sącz: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWSZ, 2018).

Anger, fear, depression, and passion: approaches to teaching in selected academic novels [in:] Journal of English Studies 5/2 (2019), pp. 103-120.

Jakie to szczęście, że krew jest czerwona: młody Tuwim czyta Whitmana [in:] Neophilologica Sandeciensia 13, pp. 41-49 ((Nowy Sącz: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWSZ, 2019).