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Wykład monograficzny prof. Normana Daviesa

W semestrze letnim 2012/13 profesor Norman Davies oferujeFot. M.Kubik wykład monograficzny: "Wojsko Polski na Bliskim Wschodzie 1939-46" w języku angielskim,  który odbywa się w każdy piątek od 14.15 do 15.45 w sali 205, Krupnicza 2, II piętro.

Studenci chcący uczestniczyć w ww. wykładzie proszeni są o informację pod adres: joanna.swierc@uj.edu.pl

Za przedmiot można uzyskać 2 ECTS.

Opis przedmiotu:
In addition to establishing the origins, progress and final destiny of the formation, which started life as ‘The Polish Armed Forces in Russia' and ended as ‘The Polish Second Corps of the British Eighth Army', the course will emphasise civilian life and relations with the peoples of the region.


  • Wladyslaw Anders,  An Army In Exile, (London, 1950)  także po polsku
  • A History of Modern Iran
  • The Creation of Iraq
  • Syria: from French Protectorate to Arab Republic
  • The Growth of Egyptian Independence

Szczegółowy program wykładu:

  1. 1939-41.  Origins of the Polish Army in Russia
  2. The Soviet Union and its Central Asian Republics: the Stalinist System
  3. 1941-2.  General Anders and his Army: aims, formation, training
  4. Uzbekistan and its neighbours
  5. 1942:  Deteriorating relations with the Soviet authorities
  6. The Anglo-Soviet Invasion and Occupation of  Iran, 1941+
  7. 1941-2 Evacuations of the Polish Army to Iran
  8. Modern History of  Persia/Iran
  9. 1942-45:  the Polish Sojourn in Iran
  10. The Teheran Conference,  November 1943: the ‘Big Three'
  11. Polish civilian destinations: India, Tanganyika, Mexico, New Zealand
  12. Modern History of Iraq
  13. The Polish Army in the Middle East:  from Iran to Iraq and Syria
  14. Modern History of Syria and Lebanon: the French Mandates
  15. Modern History of Palestine, from 1900.  Zionism &Arab Nationalism
  16. The Polish Army in Palestine, 1943-45: the Jewish Question
  17. Modern History of Egypt and Libya
  18. The North African Campaigns: the Polish Contribution
  19. From Bari to Bologna: the Polish Second Corps fights in Italy
  20. The Middle East in 1945-46: what the Poles left behind


Data opublikowania: 12.03.2013
Osoba publikująca: Piotr Pieńkowski