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Anglo-Indian Literature - zaproszenie na wykłady

Zakład Indianistyki Instytutu Orientalistyki UJ zaprasza na w II semestrze 2012/2013 na wykłady dr Tatiany Dubyanskaya pt. Anglo-Indian Literature  [WF.IO-M-IND-1-16B; egz., 3 ECTS]

Wykłady odbywać się będą w piatki w godz.45-16.15 w sali 402 Kolegium Śląskiego, Al. Mickiewicza 3


The 200-plus-years-long history of intensive English-Indian literary relations brought into life a large number of important literary works, which describe India and Indians from the British/Western perspective and/or which are written by authors of Indian/South-Asian origin, primarily in English, as direct or indirect responses to the colonial situation. Many texts, created by South-Asian authors in the 19th-21st centuries, are also categorized as "Indian Writing in English"; this body of literature, which has constituted one of the key subject-matters of both Colonial and Postcolonial studies, is often recognized as "the best-known segment of Indian literature internationally" (Harish Trivedi). The increasing popularity of Indian writing in English has made quite a few India-born or ethnically-Indian writers international literary celebrities in the modern world.

The present course will try to look into the circumstances that led to the triumphant popularity of modern writers like Vidyadhar S. Naipaul, Salman Rushdie, Arundhati Roy, Amitav Ghosh, Rohinton Mistry, Jhumpa Lahiri, et al in the international book-market. It will start with an overview of the colonial politics and culture in India, which created the system of English education in the 19th century; it will discuss major pre- and post-Independence Indian poets and writers; finally, we will move on towards the last decades of the 20th century, when South-Asian writing in English acclaimed its world-wide fame.

 The course on Anglo-Indian literary culture is offered to the post-graduate students of Indology, but is, also, open to anyone interested in Indian writings in English and in the role of modern South-Asian culture in the globalized world.


Published Date: 07.02.2013
Published by: Piotr Pieńkowski